Cheri Gray's Memorial Website | Ever Loved


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  • Helping hands

    In lieu of flowers

    Please consider a donation to Cheri's Celebration of Life Fund.
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Helping hands

In lieu of flowers

Please consider a donation to Cheri's Celebration of Life Fund.
of $15,000 goal
65 %

Personal note from Russ

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend either the Graveside Service or the Celebration of Life for Cheri. And thanks to the many very generous donors who've helped lessen the burden on our family in producing the event and pay down Cheri's outstanding medical bills. Your kindness means so much more to us than we can express. Thank you.

All of the presentations and pictures from the Celebration of Life, as well as several songs and slide shows we'd prepared but didn't have time to share, will be available on sometime in the next few weeks.

The website will be password protected and only available to registered visitors. We're happy to share the story and tributes of Cheri's amazing life privately with friends and family, but not with search bots and the public. So if you'd like access, simply send your email request to ... and when the time comes, we'll send you your login credentials.

Meanwhile, if you have a picture, video, or would like to write a record a memory or tribute to Cheri for us to post on the website, please send it to us at

Last, but not least, thank you for loving Cheri and her family in whatever way you knew her. She was a wonderful blessing to everyone who knew her, and much of her strength came from those who loved and supported her. Thank you.

In loving memory of Cheri,



Cheri Gray passed away December 13, 2019 after a nearly five year battle against cancer. She is survived by her husband of over 40 years, Russell Gray and her six children and twelve grandchildren (and two more on the way!).

Cheri was a loving wife, devoted mother, master home-maker, loyal friend, fun grandmother, and faithful child of God. Her passion for the simple, but precious things in life such as faith, family, friendship and fun …

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Memories & condolences




February 12th, 1960

Passed away

December 13th, 2019
Gilbert, AZ, USA

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Other key details

Cause of death


Method of disposition


Final resting place

San Tan Memorial Gardens

22425 E Cloud Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Falconer Funeral Home
Funeral services provided by

Falconer Funeral Home


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Cheri Gray